Bonus Episode: The Anti-Calvinism Chapel at SWBTS

BONUS EPISODE! Immediately after the Nov 29th Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel service Jimmy and Joe got a number of emails and messages about the sermon by Dr. Rick Patrick, Pastor of First Baptist Church Sylacauga and Executive Director of Connect 316, and the concluding remarks by Dr. Page Patterson, President of SWBTS. Here the guys talk about Calvinism in the SBC, tell fellow Calvinists to "chill," and discuss how to respond to those with whom we disagree. Be sure to check out James White's thoughts on this whole thing (video should start around the 33:30 mark). Also, the now infamous video of Joe smoking a cigar in slow-motion can be watched here. Consider it an additional sunset of the day.

Clarification: Joe said that every church which made up the beginning of the SBC affirmed the 1689 Second London Confession. It would be more accurate to say, "In 1845, when the Southern Baptist Convention was formed, every delegate came from a church or association that had adopted the Philadelphia Confession or an abstract of the document." (On the Baptist Confession of 1689 by Dr. Nathan Finn) The Philadelphia Confession contains all the content of the 1689 with two additions.

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Bonus Episode: The SWBTS Anti-Calvinism Chapel
Doctrine and Devotion
Joe Thorn