Preaching and Hearing The Word

On today's episode Joe and Jimmy talk about the work of preaching and listening to preachers. From some of the basic "how-to's" of sermon prep, to what it takes to get the most of out a sermon we are listening to. It was another fun and profitable conversation for us, we hope it is for you as well. Joe tells preachers to put away the stool, and shares an embarrassing Mark Dever story. Jimmy tells sermon critics to slow their roll and gives the best shout out ever to J. Bond Media.

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Christ-Centered Preaching, Bryan Chapel
The Art of Prophesying, William Perkins
Biblical Preaching, Haddon Robinson
Folly, Grace and Power, John Koessler
Preaching and Preachers, D. Martin Lloyd Jones

We also recommend you check out some of our favorite living preachers: Sinclair Ferguson, Thabiti Anyabwile, John Piper, Eric Mason, Matt Chandler. For reading older sermons be sure to check out Charles Spurgeon.


Thank to Justin Bond, our Engineer/Editor for Doctrine and Devotion. Be sure to check out J. Bond Media for all your photo and video needs.

Joe Thorn