Christ-Centered Hermeneutics

Here he is! Pastor Nick Batzig is in the house with Joe and Jimmy to discuss Christ-centered hermeneutics. How does all of Scripture point us to Christ? How does Christ-centered interpretation go wrong? Don't forget to check out Pastor Nick's sermon on Luke 2:22-40 from his time at Redeemer Fellowship. Plus, Carmen!

Note: We had some audio difficulties that left is without a third quality mic. This left Jimmy sounding a bit rough. We will have this remedied quickly.

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Unfolding Mystery by Edmund Clowney
Preaching Christ Out of the Old Testament by Sinclair Ferguson
The Shadow of Christ in the Law and Moses by Vern Poythress
Him We Proclaim by Denis Johnson


Thank to Justin Bond, our Engineer/Editor for Doctrine and Devotion. Be sure to check out J. Bond Media for all your photo and video needs.

Joe Thorn