
We got an email from a listener about pastoral disqualification, and why some pastors seem to get a pass on certain disqualifying behavior. Sexual immorality will get a pastor fired, but being quarrelsome or pugnacious often doesn’t raise much concern. What disqualifies a pastor from the office? How can churches get ahead of disqualifying behavior? How or why do churches enable disqualifying behavior?


Christian Healthcare Ministries is a nonprofit, voluntary cost-sharing ministry through which participating Christians meet each other’s medical bills. Christian Healthcare Ministries is not a health insurance company. Rather, we are a group of thousands of Christians across the United States and around the world who share each other’s burdens in the area of health care costs. Since 1981, CHM members have shared nearly $7 billion in medical bills. Want to learn more? Visit www.chministries.org/podcast

Joe Thorn